I witnessed firsthand how the SOMO workshop and SOMO device can be incredible tools for helping people to come out of their shell, feel more self-confidence, express themselves, and make music without any training in music whatsoever. I saw the eyes of the Reena clients light up when they had a chance to use the device – we noticed clients smiling, who normally did not smile! I observed a surge of creativity, spontaneity, and general good vibes all around as clients played with the device, created body movements and collaborated with each other. Each person was thrilled to have a turn to choose their favourite electronic sound, and lead the group in some body movements that could be copied. I would highly recommend this device and workshop to anyone who works in a team, or who leads groups of adults, children or people with special needs! It truly facilitates experiential or ‘inquiry’ learning, creativity, problem-solving, collaboration and teamwork – in a fun hands-on way!